Ezer Lab

Daphne Ezer

Principal InvestigatorLecturer in Computational Plant Biology


My lab focusses on how plants integrate environmental signals across different temporal scales. Previously, I was a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK Institue for Data Science and AI and the University of Warwick Department of Statistics. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Phil Wigge’s lab group at the Sainsbury Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, which I owe as my introduction into plant biology and temperature sensing. I did my PhD in Genetics at the University of Cambridge Systems Biology under Dr. Boris Adryan, as a Marshall Scholar. My undergraduate degree was in Computer Science and Biology at Duke University, doing my undergraduate thesis research in the lab of Dr. Alex Hartemink.

I have two lovely daughters and I enjoy painting, when I get the chance.

See Daphne Ezer's papers on the Research page